TS PLUS with C tree

TS PLUS with C tree

Panels:  LATEX or WOOL

Sizes:  16”, 16,5”, 17”, 17,5”, 18” 

// 16" and 18" are made to order

Sizes:  16”, 16,5”, 17”, 17,5”, 18” 

// 16" and 18" are made to order

Suggested retail price:  Contact dealer


TØLTSAGA PLUS, a saddle with a C tree, narrow waist, and short bearing surface

The PLUS features the practical, narrow-waisted C tree, which also provides your horse with optimal shoulder freedom.

The saddle has a narrow waist and an open, very soft seat that allows the rider freedom and the ability to adjust their position in the saddle.

The shape and softness of the knee blocks ensure the rider's best comfort and support for a good and comfortable position.

The knee blocks are made with a soft latex core and fit comfortably around the rider's thigh.

The PLUS is crafted from the finest quality calf leather.

The saddle is available with either Latex or Wool.

The saddle's soft latex panels provide excellent comfort for the horse and adapt even better than traditional latex panels.

Model/Item number: TS PLUS